Saturday, May 16, 2015

OSA WILD TEAM: working together to support the community through tourism


We are a group of passionate workers and believers of sustainable development in rural communities such as the Osa Peninsula.

OSA WILD TEAM in front of a Ceiba tree (Ceiba pentandra) one of the tallest trees found in the southern tip of Costa Rica, sacred tree for Mayas and other indigenous cultures who believed that their ancestors' spirits inhabited the treetop.

Starting with Ifigenia Garita (standing in the middle of the tree with Jessica on her shoulders), tropical biologist and conservationist who founded with love this small business based on the idea of providing alternatives to the community through tourism and who at the same time believes we can all save the pristine lowland tropical rainforest throughout education.

 To the right, you can meet Luis Daniel Montero, a young and enthusiastic software engineer who started studying biology after meeting our boss and new wife Ifi, while he was volunteering at Corcovado National Park. Today, he's our assistant manager and a very important part of our team.

Certificate of Sustainable Tourism
 Highest level 
On the other side we can find Verónica Flores, our sustainability coordinator and a jewel of our business. She and Jessica did great efforts for achieving the highest level of the Certification for Sustainable Tourism - CST - for our office. Vero is an Environmental Health professional and a passionate social worker.

Finally, our most recent member of the team, Jessica Fonseca, a girl from Naranjo who fell in love with the region when working with sustainability. Jessica (on top of Ifi’s shoulders) has wrap up in a perfect way, the unity and love that we all have for the people of this region.

Luis Daniel is great at imitating
the Spider Monkey's call

As we all are nature lovers, we also guide tours around Corcovado National Park and other areas of the Osa Peninsula. We enjoy to walk in the tropical rainforest and explaining about its ecosystem while looking for interesting animals that live in this habitat.

At Osa Wild we all work constantly to make sure that by helping the community develop in a sustainable way, we will ensure the protection of Osa's beautiful forests! If you want to help us in our mission, please contact us at

A Puma concolor relaxing at La Leona beach

Salsipuedes beach, Corcovado National Park

Article by: Ifigenia Garita C.